December 1, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


Next week we will enter December, the last month of the year, which means Christmas is coming soon. God’s willing, in the next few weeks prior to Christmas Day, I will be delivering a series of messages, titled, “The Traces of the Savior.” I would like to share with you how God has in fact revealed the coming of His Only Son long before the day of His birth in Bethlehem. Through various ways God has pointed us to the coming of Christ, the Savior of the world.

The end of November also marks the end of our churchwide retreat. By the grace of God, we all returned home safely after enjoying a sweet fellowship both with Him and each other for a couple of nights. I cannot thank you enough for your continued support and trust in us that year after year many of you still take the time to come. I certainly hope you were refreshed mentally and spiritually.

On a different note, this week has also been a sad time for the family of Tante Ansy. Last Tuesday she fell while climbing the stairs at her daughter’s home. Since then she has been in ICU and has not woken up from a deep sleep. We do not know what tomorrow may bring but we know she is safe in the hands of Our Loving Savior. Accidents do happen but what a comfort it is to know that there is no accident in God’s book. There is only appointment!

After the war, Louis Zamperini went into rage and alcohol to deal with trauma inflicted on him during imprisonment. His condition was so bad that his wife was ready to divorce him. It was then he attended Billy Graham Revival Meeting and it was there he gave his life to Jesus. From that moment on he changed; no more alcohol and no more rage; there was only peace and love. He didn’t attend the revival meeting by accident; he had an appointment with Jesus.


Next week we will enter December, the last month of the year, which means Christmas is coming soon. God’s willing, in the next few weeks prior to Christmas Day, I will be delivering a series of messages, titled, “The Traces of the Savior.” I would like to share with you how God has in fact revealed the coming of His Only Son long before the day of His birth in Bethlehem. Through various ways God has pointed us to the coming of Christ, the Savior of the world.

The end of November also marks the end of our churchwide retreat. By the grace of God, we all returned home safely after enjoying a sweet fellowship both with Him and each other for a couple of nights. I cannot thank you enough for your continued support and trust in us that year after year many of you still take the time to come. I certainly hope you were refreshed mentally and spiritually.

On a different note, this week has also been a sad time for the family of Tante Ansy. Last Tuesday she fell while climbing the stairs at her daughter’s home. Since then she has been in ICU and has not woken up from a deep sleep. We do not know what tomorrow may bring but we know she is safe in the hands of Our Loving Savior. Accidents do happen but what a comfort it is to know that there is no accident in God’s book. There is only appointment!

After the war, Louis Zamperini went into rage and alcohol to deal with trauma inflicted on him during imprisonment. His condition was so bad that his wife was ready to divorce him. It was then he attended Billy Graham Revival Meeting and it was there he gave his life to Jesus. From that moment on he changed; no more alcohol and no more rage; there was only peace and love. He didn’t attend the revival meeting by accident; he had an appointment with Jesus.

Pastor Paul[:]

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