January 25, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


The next four Shepherd's Corners I thought we'd look at four "F's" that are essential in our lives as followers of Christ. We'll look at: Faith, Forgiveness, Fellowship, and Freedom. faith

The next four Shepherd's Corners I thought we'd look at four "F's" that are essential in our lives as followers of Christ. We'll look at: Faith, Forgiveness, Fellowship, and Freedom.

Hebrews 11 is often called the "Hall of Fame of Faith" and it starts by saying, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." People throughout all generations have been commended for their "faith", but we see in this chapter that faith is the way we please God, and faith is something God commends us for. As I read this chapter I see amazing people who had faith that seems so much stronger than mine, but at the same time, I see amazing examples who I can aspire to live like.

People were commended for lives that were full of steps of faith. Their faith led them to do something. For example Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain (v. 4), Noah built an ark (v. 7), Abraham left his homeland to follow God even though he didn't know where he was going (v. 8), Moses chose to identify with the Israelites and not live a nice life in Pharaoh's courts (v. 24), and the list goes one.

I think one of the biggest things we forget about our growth in Christ is that it takes faith; not just faith to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but that we're called to lives of faith that is evidenced by steps for faith. If you feel you haven't "grown" much in your spiritual life much lately, ask yourself how long it's been since you've taken a step of faith; something that moves you out of your comfort zone into the realms of relying of God in faith. It doesn't matter how "big" that step is, as long as we're living lives of faith and taking steps of faith, I believe we'll get to see God.

Pastor Steve

Hebrews 11 is often called the "Hall of Fame of Faith" and it starts by saying, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." People throughout all generations have been commended for their "faith", but we see in this chapter that faith is the way we please God, and faith is something God commends us for. As I read this chapter I see amazing people who had faith that seems so much stronger than mine, but at the same time, I see amazing examples who I can aspire to live like.

People were commended for lives that were full of steps of faith. Their faith led them to do something. For example Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain (v. 4), Noah built an ark (v. 7), Abraham left his homeland to follow God even though he didn't know where he was going (v. 8), Moses chose to identify with the Israelites and not live a nice life in Pharaoh's courts (v. 24), and the list goes one.

I think one of the biggest things we forget about our growth in Christ is that it takes faith; not just faith to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but that we're called to lives of faith that is evidenced by steps for faith. If you feel you haven't "grown" much in your spiritual life much lately, ask yourself how long it's been since you've taken a step of faith; something that moves you out of your comfort zone into the realms of relying of God in faith. It doesn't matter how "big" that step is, as long as we're living lives of faith and taking steps of faith, I believe we'll get to see God.

Pastor Steve

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