July 16, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


Last Friday we had the honor to hear Ibu Yulia from Sabda Ministry, Solo, speak in our Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. She encouraged us to read and study the Bible and not let our old age hinder us from growing in the Word of the Lord. After the fellowship, she privately told me how happy she was to come and meet us. She told me she was impressed by our desire to grow in the Word of God despite our old age. I said, amen, to that!

I know many of you not only pray but read the Bible almost every day. I know that when you come to any of our fellowships, you come to hear the Word of God. You want to know more about God’s Word because you want to grow. I know what you desire more than anything is to walk closely with Jesus Our Lord and to be more like Him. And, that’s what motivates you to study His Word.

We study the Word of God so the Word of God can “study” us. We look into the Word of God so the Word of God can “look into” us. When we let God’s Word study or look into us, we will begin the process of transformation. We’ll change; we’ll grow. Because, at the end of the day the proof of growth is not shown by the pages of the Bible we have read, but rather by the changes we demonstrate. We stop doing certain things and we start doing certain things.

In his book, When Heaven Invades Earth, Pastor Bill Johnson says, “When God searches the heart, He finds things in us that He wants to change.” You see, when the Holy Spirit “studies” us, He will expose things in us that we wish they weren’t there. Perhaps we are not ready to see what God sees in us. But, ready or not, God has shown it, not to convict or to punish us, but rather to change it for us. What we need to do is to let Him do it—by surrendering.


Last Friday we had the honor to hear Ibu Yulia from Sabda Ministry, Solo, speak in our Bible Study and Prayer Meeting.She encouraged us to read and study the Bible and not let our old age hinder us from growing in the Word of the Lord. After the fellowship, she privately told me how happy she was to come and meet us. She told me she was impressed by our desire to grow in the Word of God despite our old age. I said, amen, to that!

I know many of you not only pray but read the Bible almost every day. I know that when you come to any of our fellowships, you come to hear the Word of God. You want to know more about God’s Word because you want to grow. I know what you desire more than anything is to walk closely with Jesus Our Lord and to be more like Him. And, that’s what motivates you to study His Word.

We study the Word of God so the Word of God can “study” us. We look into the Word of God so the Word of God can “look into” us. When we let God’s Word study or look into us, we will begin the process of transformation. We’ll change; we’ll grow. Because, at the end of the day the proof of growth is not shown by the pages of the Bible we have read, but rather by the changes we demonstrate. We stop doing certain things and we start doing certain things.

In his book, When Heaven Invades Earth, Pastor Bill Johnson says, “When God searches the heart, He finds things in us that He wants to change.” You see, when the Holy Spirit “studies” us, He will expose things in us that we wish they weren’t there. Perhaps we are not ready to see what God sees in us. But, ready or not, God has shown it, not to convict or to punish us, but rather to change it for us. What we need to do is to let Him do it—by surrendering.

Pastor Paul[:]

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