July 24, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


I am surrounded by servants. Every corner I turn at this church I meet servants—those who wash the dishes, those who clean the church, those who take the time to pick up those who need a ride, those who practice and prepare for service, those who come and fix whatever is broken or out of order, those who paint and arrange the followers, and those who pray for us. I want to say, thank you!

Today I want to say a special thank you to a group of men and women who have worked with me closely—the deacons. Thank you for loving Jesus and fixing your eyes on Him through every decision we made. Thank you for being patient with one another and by doing that, you have become an extension of God’s grace. And, thank you for your support to Pastor Steve and me.

I also would like to use this opportunity to welcome a group of men and woman who have said, yes, to the call to serve as deacons. Like your predecessors, you also demonstrate a servant’s heart. You, too, have said, “I am not worthy and I am not able.” But, you did not stop there; you went on saying, “I am willing.” May God bless you for your readiness to serve and may He bless your service.

Last but not least, I would like to thank you, who understandably said, no, to the title as deacon, but, yes, to the function of deacon—serving. I know you meant it. I trust your decision and I appreciate your continued commitment to serving Jesus. I am blessed to have you! And, the whole church is blessed because of you.

Corrie ten Boom says, “The will of God is either a burden that we can carry or a power that carries us.” Whatever the will of God is for us, let it be the power that carries us.

Pastor Paul

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