November 7, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner


The other day our daughter asked one of her sons to say grace before meal. This was what he said, “O Lord, thank you for this food and please, help my mom control her anger!”  I had a good chuckle when I heard it; I hope, so did you. Of course, from this we can see how pure children are; what’s inside flows outside, freely. But from this we can also look at how our actions affect others. We’re indeed “a letter from Christ . . . written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God . . .”  as Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 2:3.

If you were like I, there are times I do wish that this letter were in an envelope, so no one could read it.  Too embarrassing! But there is no envelope; this letter is “known and read by everyone,” says Paul.  Another problem is no matter how hard I try to write it so nicely, at the end of the day, I fail. You see, I am not the one’s holding the pen; it is Christ Himself who is writing it with the Spirit of the living God. So, whatever He writes, will be written, and read by everyone.

Supposed God gave us a chance to put in our requests as to what it is we want it written on this letter of ours. Ruth Graham, the wife of Evangelist Billy Graham, wanted this epitaph to be etched on her gravestone, “End of construction—thank you for your patience.”  She wanted everyone to know that she was merely human, a sinful, not a perfect human being, shaped and renewed by Christ till death. So, let me ask once again, “What would you want Christ to write on you, His letter?”  I would ask Him to write, “At least he tried.”

If we are Christ’s letters and Christ is God the Father’s letter. On the tablet of His Son’s’ heart, God wrote to us, “I love you so much that I gave you My Only Son.”  We are Christ’s letters, known and read by everyone; make sure He has something good to write about us.

Pastor Paul

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