January 6, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


We’ll never what God has in store for us. The other day a package came in the mail that did not belong to us. It had the church’s address, but the name, David Good, was unknown to me. So, I returned it to the post office. A few days later that same package was once again delivered to our church. Because of Christmas, I didn’t have the opportunity to return it to the post office.

Two Sundays ago, an older gentleman came to the church after the service and asked me whether I had received a package bearing his name. He turned out to be David Good, the intended recipient, and he lives on 702 E. Lime Ave! Somehow his son missed the number by a margin of 500. But there is more to the story. David Good turned out to be the new pastor of the First Baptist Church of Monrovia, the church that we used several years ago when we renovated our sanctuary. And, He asked to meet.

A couple of days ago we met over breakfast. He told me that he’s available to help in any way he could and asked me if we could do something together. I shared with him our need for a room for our youth group. He immediately responded that he’d ask his church to make a room available for us. At the end we agreed to talk to each of our groups about holding a Good Friday’s service together.

A few times during the conversation he kept referring to the package incident; he called it, “God thing.” It must be God’s will for us to meet; it’s not a coincidence. I don’t know what God has in store for us; I don’t know whether his church will agree to let us use their facility for our youth group. I don’t know whether we can hold service together, but I agree that this package is “God thing.” God will use this package to bring us together.

Pastor Paul

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