December 29, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


God didn’t have to do that, but He did. As many of knew, rain was supposed to pour down on Wednesday’s evening. So, I prayed—and I am sure, you did, too—asking God to hold off the rain until we finished with our Christmas celebration. I thought, it was trivial request and it’s perfectly fine for God not to hear my prayer for a greater good—California needs water. But God heard our prayers. It started raining around 9, long after we finished. Thank You, Lord.

There have been many instances in which God did just that, didn’t He? We asked Him for something small or in fact sometimes we didn’t even ask Him because it’s such a minor matter, but He heard it and did as we quietly asked. Psalm 37:5 confirms it, “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” God gives not only our requests; He even grants our heart’s desires.
And if we’re wondering why He grants even our petty heart’s desires, the answer is because He loves us. No other reason.

But God does not only give; He also takes. And sometimes He takes that which is important and dear to us. Last Thursday He did just that when He took our brother Arvin’s father; without warning He took him home. I am sure Arvin and his sister Ingrid must be shocked to hear this sad news. Even though we don’t understand God’s timing, we know His heart. You see, He gives because He loves; He takes, also because He loves. No other reason.

In her book, Tramp for the Lord, Corrie ten Boom insightfully writes, “Obedience is easy when you know you are being guided by a God who never makes mistakes.” God does not make mistakes; His timing is right, more importantly His motive is always pure and right. So, whatever it is He decides for us, we can peacefully obey.

Pastor Paul

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