October 31, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner

Last Wednesday in our Bible Study we learned about looking at the positive. The ten spies that Moses sent saw the land full of so-called giants, but Joshua and Caleb saw the land full of milk and honey. They had faith that God would give them the land. Too bad, the people of Israel chose to look at the negative and refused to enter the Promised Land. By doing that they showed they had no faith.

Last Wednesday after our Bible Study I got a call from my doctor. It turned out that my stress test showed abnormality in my heart. The doctor then decided to cancel my prostate removal surgery, instead, he instructed me to take angiogram. I am still waiting for the doctor to schedule me for the test. Once again, I thank God for allowing me to catch the problem with my heart early. I know He’s behind this.

The other day Santy and I visited Andri, daughter of Ling Ling, whom we pray for every week. She has now been transferred to a rehab where she continues to make progress, albeit slow and small. But there is something amazing that just happened. The rehab center owns several houses around it to be used by families of patients for an unbelievably low price. So now Ling Ling is staying there, in a two-bedroom and two-bath house. I told her, it’s God’s grace. 

Being positive and having faith is all about looking at sprinkles of grace that fall in front of our eyes. God will not preclude us from the sorrow of life, but He will make sure that we see that He is with us by sprinkling us with His grace. We still must face hardship, but He will make sure that it is not only hardship that we will face. Along with hardship we will also see His grace. Ling-Ling saw grace when she could use the house next to the rehab center; I saw grace when I learned about my heart condition. Life is truly a journey of grace!

Pastor Paul

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