March 22, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner

To a lot of US Servicemen, Joel Moskowitz is a savior.  Moskowitz, who just passed away on March 15 in Orange County, was the man who manufactured light weight ceramic inserts for body armors donned by US troops.  Thanks to his ingenuity, countless lives have been saved.  Instead of going straight to the body, most enemy’s bullets can now be blocked and lodged in body armors.To a lot of US Servicemen, Joel Moskowitz is a savior.  Moskowitz, who just passed away on March 15 in Orange County, was the man who manufactured light weight ceramic inserts for body armors donned by US troops.  Thanks to his ingenuity, countless lives have been saved.  Instead of going straight to the body, most enemy’s bullets can now be blocked and lodged in body armors.

There is another enemy’s bullet that we ought to dodge.  You see, our enemy, Satan, constantly aims His rifle at us, ready to discharge His bullet, called temptation.  He will swiftly fire His weapon the moment He sees an opening.  And, He does not miss!  He knows who, where, and when to shoot at.  We need not let Him know.  It only takes one missed step, one wrong word, or one unwise decision to create an opening and cause us spiritual fatality.

Next Sunday we will celebrate Palm Sunday—the day of Our Lord’s glorious coming to Jerusalem.  Riding on a donkey He entered Jerusalem as a king.  But, He knew that in less than a week, He would go out of Jerusalem as a prisoner condemned to death.  He would not sit on a donkey; instead He would walk, carrying the cross upon which He would be nailed.  He died for us because He knew we were helpless against the enemy’s bullets of sins.

C. S. Lewis says, “It is not enough to want to get rid of one’s sins.  We also need to believe in the One who saves us from our sins . . . . Because we know we are sinners, it does not follow that we are saved.”  Yes, it is not enough to just want to be free from sins.  And, it is not enough to admit that we are sinners.  We must believe in Christ who walked on the street of Jerusalem, carrying His own cross, so we could ride on a donkey.

Pastor Paul
There is another enemy’s bullet that we ought to dodge.  You see, our enemy, Satan, constantly aims His rifle at us, ready to discharge His bullet, called temptation.  He will swiftly fire His weapon the moment He sees an opening.  And, He does not miss!  He knows who, where, and when to shoot at.  We need not let Him know.  It only takes one missed step, one wrong word, or one unwise decision to create an opening and cause us spiritual fatality.

Next Sunday we will celebrate Palm Sunday—the day of Our Lord’s glorious coming to Jerusalem.  Riding on a donkey He entered Jerusalem as a king.  But, He knew that in less than a week, He would go out of Jerusalem as a prisoner condemned to death.  He would not sit on a donkey; instead He would walk, carrying the cross upon which He would be nailed.  He died for us because He knew we were helpless against the enemy’s bullets of sins.

C. S. Lewis says, “It is not enough to want to get rid of one’s sins.  We also need to believe in the One who saves us from our sins . . . . Because we know we are sinners, it does not follow that we are saved.”  Yes, it is not enough to just want to be free from sins.  And, it is not enough to admit that we are sinners.  We must believe in Christ who walked on the street of Jerusalem, carrying His own cross, so we could ride on a donkey.

Pastor Paul

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