March 21, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner

Light at the end of the tunnel.  We have been hearing this a lot lately, haven’t we?  After hunkering down in our private spaces, we can now look ahead to the time when we can meet our friends and loved ones and go to church again.  Yes, there will come a time in which we can go to church and meet our brothers and sisters again! 

The other day I got a call from somebody’s representing my alma mater to check in with me if I could give again this year.  In the course of our conversation, after asking what I did for living, she asked, how the experience of pastoring had been to me.  I told her that it had been a growing experience.  By the grace of God these past 12 years, Santy and I have grown, not only in relation to Christ whom we serve, but also in relation to you, whom Santy and I love. 

Pastoring has granted us a privilege to be a part of your lives—in good times and bad times, in health and in sickness, in successes and in failures.  But I know that it is not only we who think that; you, too, think that.  You, too, think that being a part of His body—the church—has been a growing experience and given you the honor to be a part of each other’s life in and through all seasons of life.

About the importance of fellowship in church, Oswald Chambers says, “Christianity is in its essence social.  When once we begin to live from the otherworldly standpoint, as Jesus Christ wants us to live, we shall need all the fellowship with other Christians we can get . . . . That is why we need to be knit together with those of like faith; and that is the meaning of the Christian Church.”  Amen!

Due to the pandemic, this past year has been challenging but by the grace of God, we have remained knit together.  Christ is our bond.

Pastor Paul

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