January 14, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


One of the great tennis players the world has ever known is Michael Chang. He has now retired from professional tennis court but there is one thing he has never retired from: his faith in Christ. To this day, as it was when he was world champion, he has always lived his life for the glory of God. Let me quote his words so we can get a clearer picture of who Michael Chang really is,

“I used to put too much emphasis on winning and losing, but my perspective changed when I became a Christian. He gave me a real sense of peace, especially after I learned that God can touch lives through my wins and my losses . . . . I have striven to give God the glory in whatever the circumstance. I know that God has had a purpose for everything, and that belief has freed me.”

Knowing Christ and following Him has turned his life around. He has become a freed man—free from the pressure to always win. And, it began with the transformation of the purpose of his life—no longer to win, but to bring glory to God. Knowing that God can use both his wins and losses for His glory, Michael Chang became a free man.

There is one more thing about him that we should know and that has something to do with how he sees himself—as an evangelist. Not in the way we think of but in the way that God thinks of, which is, in his own words, “I’ve tried to live my life as an example of Christ and to point others toward Him.” That makes him an evangelist.

The word evangelist literally means the bearer of good news—that Jesus the Son of God has come and died for our sins, so we can be eternally forgiven. Every Christian is an evangelist—bearer of good news. We point people to Christ, from any courts of life.


One of the great tennis players the world has ever known is Michael Chang. He has now retired from professional tennis court but there is one thing he has never retired from: his faith in Christ. To this day, as it was when he was world champion, he has always lived his life for the glory of God. Let me quote his words so we can get a clearer picture of who Michael Chang really is,

“I used to put too much emphasis on winning and losing, but my perspective changed when I became a Christian. He gave me a real sense of peace, especially after I learned that God can touch lives through my wins and my losses . . . . I have striven to give God the glory in whatever the circumstance. I know that God has had a purpose for everything, and that belief has freed me.”

Knowing Christ and following Him has turned his life around. He has become a freed man—free from the pressure to always win. And, it began with the transformation of the purpose of his life—no longer to win, but to bring glory to God. Knowing that God can use both his wins and losses for His glory, Michael Chang became a free man.

There is one more thing about him that we should know and that has something to do with how he sees himself—as an evangelist. Not in the way we think of but in the way that God thinks of, which is, in his own words, “I’ve tried to live my life as an example of Christ and to point others toward Him.” That makes him an evangelist.

The word evangelist literally means the bearer of good news—that Jesus the Son of God has come and died for our sins, so we can be eternally forgiven. Every Christian is an evangelist—bearer of good news. We point people to Christ, from any courts of life.

Pastor Paul[:]

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