December 31, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


On Friday early morning, our brother Bun Hua was admitted to the hospital for internal bleeding. But, by the grace of God after surgery the bleeding stopped. I couldn’t be there with him because I was sick with a flu. So, after notifying some you of his condition I asked that if possible you come and visit him. Some of you responded; so, for the next few hours Heny didn’t have to be alone. Thank you!

Emergencies like this can happen at any time to anybody. Once again it reminds us that we have little control over our lives. When it comes, we have no choice but to face it. But, what a comfort it is to know that we are not alone. God, Our Good Shepherd, is with us. Since He already knew that this would happen, long before our brother Bun Hua got sick, He had already made preparation, so our brother Bun Hua and his daughter Heny, can face it—with Him.

But, there is something else that can lend strength to those suffering or in sorrow: the presence of a friend. When you came out there to be with our brother Bun Hua and Heny, you were in fact sending them a message that you cared for them and that you, as representatives of the body of Christ, will be there for them. That presence provided comfort and strength to them.

Out of all ministries—things which we can do for God—there is one that often goes unnoticed—the ministry of the presence. It doesn’t require much from us, except care and willingness to make a little sacrifice to go out of our way to be with someone in need. While there, we need not do much; words are not that important because our action—our presence—already speaks a lot. Proverbs 18:24 affirms this truth, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Pastor Paul

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