March 28, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner

Yesterday I attended a funeral service of Pastor Ryanto Sindoro, former pastor of IFGF Church. I did not know Pastor Ryanto personally but I had heard about him. And, everything I heard was consistently positive. He was a deeply spiritual man of God.Yesterday I attended a funeral service of Pastor Ryanto Sindoro, former pastor of IFGF Church. I did not know Pastor Ryanto personally but I had heard about him. And, everything I heard was consistently positive. He was a deeply spiritual man of God.

But, it turned out to be that I only knew half about him. In the service people spoke about him, revealing how humble he was and how much he had done for the Kingdom of God but how he always stayed behind the radar so no one would give him any credit. And, of course the most powerful testimonies came from his two children and wife. He was a man of God—inside and out!

There was one piece of information that I’d like to share with you. I found out that he was the older brother of the two brothers that I met in late 1970s. These two brothers were the ones who initiated the Indonesian Crusade that brought the flame of spiritual revival among Indonesian students. I heard that these two brothers were kicked out of their home by their father for turning their lives to Jesus. And, they became Christian thanks to their older brother.

Well, Pastor Ryanto was that brother! Yes, he and his five siblings were expelled from home but God took care of them. In fact two of them—whom I met—were able to come to the US. After completing their education they returned to Indonesia and to this day they still serve the Lord. In the end his father and his whole family came to know the saving grace of Jesus.

These two brothers and another young man started IFGF and out IFGF came ICC and City Blessings and some other churches. But, it all began with one young man’s obedience to follow Jesus.

Pastor Paul

But, it turned out to be that I only knew half about him. In the service people spoke about him, revealing how humble he was and how much he had done for the Kingdom of God but how he always stayed behind the radar so no one would give him any credit. And, of course the most powerful testimonies came from his two children and wife. He was a man of God—inside and out!

There was one piece of information that I’d like to share with you. I found out that he was the older brother of the two brothers that I met in late 1970s. These two brothers were the ones who initiated the Indonesian Crusade that brought the flame of spiritual revival among Indonesian students. I heard that these two brothers were kicked out of their home by their father for turning their lives to Jesus. And, they became Christian thanks to their older brother.

Well, Pastor Ryanto was that brother! Yes, he and his five siblings were expelled from home but God took care of them. In fact two of them—whom I met—were able to come to the US. After completing their education they returned to Indonesia and to this day they still serve the Lord. In the end his father and his whole family came to know the saving grace of Jesus.

These two brothers and another young man started IFGF and out IFGF came ICC and City Blessings and some other churches. But, it all began with one young man’s obedience to follow Jesus.

Pastor Paul

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