July 4, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner

On Friday I had my doctor’s appointment and before leaving, I asked Santy to join me in prayer to commit this meeting into the hands of God. It was then Santy made a passing statement about committing it to God’s appointment. These two words, “God’s appointment,” gave me peace beyond measure; these words reminded me that what was about and had to happen was appointed by God. By the grace of God, we had a good meeting. Having been monitored for two years, my doctor outlined steps to re-assess my condition.

We all face an unknown future; we might think we know but the truth is, no, we don’t. Corrie ten Boom knew something about an unknown future when out of the blue she and her father and sister were arrested by the Dutch police for hiding Jews in their home. All of a sudden, life that she knew was snatched away. But, out of the gruesome experience of living in concentration camp comes these words of faith and comfort, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” And this God sent His Son to die for us.

Whenever we face goliaths in life, we usually think of David—how he killed that giant namely Goliath with a sling. We know that it was God in His infinite power who made it happen. But God is not only powerful, He is also merciful and full of love. And we are the objects of His love—infinitely. So, whenever we are violently and abruptly snatched from the life that we are familiar with, do not let whatever it is rob us of this eternal truth: that this unknown future is in the hands of the known God—known to love us just as we are.

Let me conclude by again quoting from Corrie ten Boom, “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.”

Pastor Paul

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