September 30, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


Think with the end in mind

That race was fun, tough, memorable, difficult, and I trained, some days training hard.

I was the Bule who was running around Bangkalan, saying hi to the becak workers, the fruit sellers, the police, and as many people as I could, because it wasn’t just about running and the race, it was ALSO about a different race – to bring the Gospel to Bangkalan and the Madurese. The two weren’t separate. I do my normal every routine in such a way, with faith, for God, so that it is like I am also running a race, so that I can finish well.

Paul says, “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.” (1 Cor. 9:25) I went into training, and some others on our ministry team did as well. I trained the hardest though. So, it wasn’t surprising on race day that I did the best out of our team…the guy who trained the second hardest did the second best, the others who didn’t train at all did the worst.

How much do you see your faith as “training”?

Do you see your faith as something that can potentially stay stagnant (if you don’t really do much with it), could die (if you never use it), or could grow beyond what you could ever thing imaginable (if you use it more & more)? I think Paul would say we should.

How can you begin to take your faith more seriously like a runner going into strict training? Because one day the race (of life) will be over.


Think with the end in mind

That race was fun, tough, memorable, difficult, and I trained, some days training hard.

I was the Bule who was running around Bangkalan, saying hi to the becak workers, the fruit sellers, the police, and as many people as I could, because it wasn’t just about running and the race, it was ALSO about a different race – to bring the Gospel to Bangkalan and the Madurese. The two weren’t separate. I do my normal every routine in such a way, with faith, for God, so that it is like I am also running a race, so that I can finish well.

Paul says, “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.” (1 Cor. 9:25) I went into training, and some others on our ministry team did as well. I trained the hardest though. So, it wasn’t surprising on race day that I did the best out of our team…the guy who trained the second hardest did the second best, the others who didn’t train at all did the worst.

How much do you see your faith as “training”?

Do you see your faith as something that can potentially stay stagnant (if you don’t really do much with it), could die (if you never use it), or could grow beyond what you could ever thing imaginable (if you use it more & more)? I think Paul would say we should.

How can you begin to take your faith more seriously like a runner going into strict training? Because one day the race (of life) will be over.

Pastor Steve[:]

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