October 3, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


C - Called to CommunityIMPACT

C - Called to Community
Who are your friends? Who are your family? In the Bible we see that when people became followers of Christ they became FAMILY. I wonder if we miss some of God's love and presence when we don't honestly live like family. As we grow in Christ we should realize that we need each other. Without each other we simply won't reach our potential in Christ and the world will not experience Christ's love as they should. In the New Testament the way that the "church" treated each other and lived together became such a powerful testimony to who Christ is. How about you? When you come to church on Sundays, how do you look at people in the pews? Are you ready to lay down your life for them? Are you ready to give things up if they need them? One thing that we are called to is to live in community. When we live in community we live as Christ wants us to. Remember he lived in community all the time - as part of the Trinity, with the disciples, with the followers of Christ...He always was in community and we are designed to be as well.

T - To take His love to the world
What's your life purpose? Why are you here? One reason we can be sure that we are here for is to take His love to the world - to live on mission. We're not just here to enjoy life, to be nice people, to have a great life, but we're here for Jesus as His children, and His ambassadors. As I go outside of my apartment, outside of the church, outside in any way I am doing what I am designed to do - to go out into the world as His messenger and one of the ways we actually really understand our faith the best is...you know how? To use it and talk about it. I don't know many other things that require more faith that talking to people about Jesus. It seems so scary so many times, but one we actually go and do it, we find out that His strength is present in so many ways, especially when we feel weak. Let's all follow Jesus' example to take the love of God out into the world to people.
Who are your friends? Who are your family? In the Bible we see that when people became followers of Christ they became FAMILY. I wonder if we miss some of God's love and presence when we don't honestly live like family. As we grow in Christ we should realize that we need each other. Without each other we simply won't reach our potential in Christ and the world will not experience Christ's love as they should. In the New Testament the way that the "church" treated each other and lived together became such a powerful testimony to who Christ is. How about you? When you come to church on Sundays, how do you look at people in the pews? Are you ready to lay down your life for them? Are you ready to give things up if they need them? One thing that we are called to is to live in community. When we live in community we live as Christ wants us to. Remember he lived in community all the time - as part of the Trinity, with the disciples, with the followers of Christ...He always was in community and we are designed to be as well.

T - To take His love to the world
What's your life purpose? Why are you here? One reason we can be sure that we are here for is to take His love to the world - to live on mission. We're not just here to enjoy life, to be nice people, to have a great life, but we're here for Jesus as His children, and His ambassadors. As I go outside of my apartment, outside of the church, outside in any way I am doing what I am designed to do - to go out into the world as His messenger and one of the ways we actually really understand our faith the best is...you know how? To use it and talk about it. I don't know many other things that require more faith that talking to people about Jesus. It seems so scary so many times, but one we actually go and do it, we find out that His strength is present in so many ways, especially when we feel weak. Let's all follow Jesus' example to take the love of God out into the world to people.

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