September 23, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


We Run

Don’t you know that we all run in a race? Run in a way to get the prize.

In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul uses the illustration of a runner, training, life, and eternity to help us understand better how our choices to follow God and live by faith are very similar to training to compete.

I ran in an amazing race in Indonesia across the Suramadu bridge. It’s a pretty amazing bridge connecting Madura to East Java. It is lit up at night with different colors and even has its own separate motorcycle lane.

The race started on the Surabaya side and went over to Madura and back. My entire ministry team took part. We all had a great time, but we didn’t run together – everyone was competing. Paul says, “Don’t you know in a race, all runners run, but only 1 gets the prize. I wanted to run for the fun of it, but also to try to do the best that I could, and maybe, just maybe, to get a medal. Run in such a way as to get the prize.’ (1 Cor. 9:24). In the race of life, we are also all running…but are we running in such a way as to get an eternal prize?

During these next few weeks, let’s think about what it means to truly run this race for Jesus so that when we have finished this race, we could have run in such a way that we are ready to face Jesus and able to say to Him that we gave everything that we had.


We Run

Don’t you know that we all run in a race? Run in a way to get the prize.

In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul uses the illustration of a runner, training, life, and eternity to help us understand better how our choices to follow God and live by faith are very similar to training to compete.

I ran in an amazing race in Indonesia across the Suramadu bridge. It’s a pretty amazing bridge connecting Madura to East Java. It is lit up at night with different colors and even has its own separate motorcycle lane.

The race started on the Surabaya side and went over to Madura and back. My entire ministry team took part. We all had a great time, but we didn’t run together – everyone was competing. Paul says, “Don’t you know in a race, all runners run, but only 1 gets the prize. I wanted to run for the fun of it, but also to try to do the best that I could, and maybe, just maybe, to get a medal. Run in such a way as to get the prize.’ (1 Cor. 9:24). In the race of life, we are also all running…but are we running in such a way as to get an eternal prize?

During these next few weeks, let’s think about what it means to truly run this race for Jesus so that when we have finished this race, we could have run in such a way that we are ready to face Jesus and able to say to Him that we gave everything that we had.

Pastor Steve[:]

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