October 3, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


P - Prepared to ServeIMPACT

P - Prepared to Serve
What are we really preparing ourselves to do in this world? to be successful? To enjoy life? To have a family?
But what are we supposed to be preparing for? What if we viewed this life and simply preparing ourselves to spend eternity with God? Where would we begin? How would we be doing?
We feel the best way our hearts are given over to God and reflect His love is through serving. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. It's always fun to be served, but we often don't realize what a huge blessing it is and how much we can grow if we simply begin to serve others. When we serve others our problems don't seem as big anymore. When we serve others with the right heart and the right reason, we amazingly become more like Jesus - the greatest servant of all. We want our students to be prepared to have servant hearts, not just to bless the world, but so they can find the true blessing that lies in serving.

A - Anchored in His Word
What holds you firm when the storms of life blow? Hebrews 6 talks about because of what Jesus did that we have an anchor for our souls - something (or someone) that holds us fast. In older nautical times when ships were stuck out at sea in a storm and trying to make it into harbor, a few brave sailors would take a smaller boat and "paddle" the anchor in to the harbor and set the anchor firmly...then the ship would literally pull itself to safety because of the firmly rooted anchor in the harbor. In the same way God's Word, His Bible, is our firm foundation that should hold us fast and become our anchor in life. We often anchor ourselves in friendships, money, our talents, but not often enough in God's Word which is something we can always access. Let's anchor ourselves in God's Word and let His Word be the loudest voice into our lives.
Pastor Steve
What are we really preparing ourselves to do in this world? to be successful? To enjoy life? To have a family?
But what are we supposed to be preparing for? What if we viewed this life and simply preparing ourselves to spend eternity with God? Where would we begin? How would we be doing?
We feel the best way our hearts are given over to God and reflect His love is through serving. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. It's always fun to be served, but we often don't realize what a huge blessing it is and how much we can grow if we simply begin to serve others. When we serve others our problems don't seem as big anymore. When we serve others with the right heart and the right reason, we amazingly become more like Jesus - the greatest servant of all. We want our students to be prepared to have servant hearts, not just to bless the world, but so they can find the true blessing that lies in serving.

A - Anchored in His Word
What holds you firm when the storms of life blow? Hebrews 6 talks about because of what Jesus did that we have an anchor for our souls - something (or someone) that holds us fast. In older nautical times when ships were stuck out at sea in a storm and trying to make it into harbor, a few brave sailors would take a smaller boat and "paddle" the anchor in to the harbor and set the anchor firmly...then the ship would literally pull itself to safety because of the firmly rooted anchor in the harbor. In the same way God's Word, His Bible, is our firm foundation that should hold us fast and become our anchor in life. We often anchor ourselves in friendships, money, our talents, but not often enough in God's Word which is something we can always access. Let's anchor ourselves in God's Word and let His Word be the loudest voice into our lives.
Pastor Steve

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