January 23, 2022

The Shepherd's Corner

How much have I given?

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

I feel that we all want to see and experience God, but sometimes it may feel like we haven’t heard from God or sensed God for a long time. There are probably instances where He has done things or spoken and we’ve simply missed it, but I also wonder how God’s words to Jeremiah also ring true for us today.

The things that I’ve really wanted in life are also the things I’ve tried really hard for – college degrees, earning certifications, learning a new skill, even learning how to speak Indonesian. Practically all of the things that I’ve really wanted in life have also been the things in life that I try very hard to attain, and many of them I have attained.

Now we find this verse – a promise from God – intersecting our journey of life. God has promised to journey with us, to lead us, to not leave us, to not let us down, to be our wisdom, our strong foundation, and our peace in the midst of the journey. He’s also promised that we will find Him, but he put a little addition on the promise – “when we seek Him with all of our hearts.”

I hope that we can take an honest look at our days, weeks, and months recently, and if we feel like we haven’t really seen or sensed God lately, that we can ask ourselves – “How hard and intently have I sought after God?” and if the answer is, “not that much,” then maybe God’s just waiting to reveal more of Himself to us after we truly seek him more than the other things we desire in our lives.

Pastor Steve

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