October 7, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


The Real Prize

I got that medal! I was so excited. Not that the medal was all that valuable, important, or special, but that it represented something – I trained hard, and I accomplished what I set out to do – to do well in the race. I still have that medal, because when will I ever have another chance to win a medal in Madura?!?!?

But there was another race going on – remember?

Paul says, “They (the runners) do their training to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” (1 Cor. 9:25). My medal from Madura will soon be trash, but the way I live my life and use my faith will impact my eternity.

Remember how some of our team members came in at the very end? One guy was so far in the back that we thought something happened to him because he never came across the finish line. When we were about to give up hope, we saw him walking casually towards the end…with some friends. These weren’t long time friends, these were new friends – people he met on the race and began a relationship with; a relationship that allowed him to share the Gospel of Jesus with them.

Even though I won the medal – he won the prize. He was used by God that day – that’s the true prize. We live our lives in faith for God, to impact our (and others’) eternity – that is a crown/prize/reward that will last forever.

Pastor Steve

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