November 29, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


I write this at the Highland Springs Resort where we are having our annual retreat. This place brought back memories. Our loved ones who were with us, then, are no longer with us today. They do not need earthly retreat anymore because they are, after all, already in the heavenly retreat with Our Loving Savior. We understand this and we are certainly happy for them, but we still miss them.THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

I write this at the Highland Springs Resort where we are having our annual retreat. This place brought back memories. Our loved ones who were with us, then, are no longer with us today. They do not need earthly retreat anymore because they are, after all, already in the heavenly retreat with Our Loving Savior. We understand this and we are certainly happy for them, but we still miss them.

Thanksgiving is already behind us but thanksgiving spirit will remain with us all year long. We appreciate what the Lord has given us and we thank Him for giving us opportunity to do something for Him. In one of our group discussions, somebody made a remark that yes, it is God who gives us opportunity. We can do all the hard work we want but unless God opens the door, we cannot do much. But, she said, we must also seize the opportunity God gives us and not waste it, either. When God opens the door, we should enter. Amen!

Next Sunday we will already in the month of December. We will look toward Christmas—the time we chose to remember the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. I know many of you will be busy thinking and buying gifts for your loved ones. As far as I am concerned, I need nothing and want nothing because I would like to travel light. What I have is enough to last till the day I die. 

One last note before I end it. As I am sitting in my room writing this, Santy comes in bringing food—from somebody else. I know some of you have brought extra food to this retreat so you can share it with the rest. I want to thank you for your generosity and I want to say that I really appreciate this spirit of caring for others. Preparing food is no easy job and buying food cost some money. But, you still did it. Thank you. This is what a church is all about.

Pastor Paul

Thanksgiving is already behind us but thanksgiving spirit will remain with us all year long. We appreciate what the Lord has given us and we thank Him for giving us opportunity to do something for Him. In one of our group discussions, somebody made a remark that yes, it is God who gives us opportunity. We can do all the hard work we want but unless God opens the door, we cannot do much. But, she said, we must also seize the opportunity God gives us and not waste it, either. When God opens the door, we should enter. Amen!

Next Sunday we will already in the month of December. We will look toward Christmas—the time we chose to remember the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. I know many of you will be busy thinking and buying gifts for your loved ones. As far as I am concerned, I need nothing and want nothing because I would like to travel light. What I have is enough to last till the day I die. 

One last note before I end it. As I am sitting in my room writing this, Santy comes in bringing food—from somebody else. I know some of you have brought extra food to this retreat so you can share it with the rest. I want to thank you for your generosity and I want to say that I really appreciate this spirit of caring for others. Preparing food is no easy job and buying food cost some money. But, you still did it. Thank you. This is what a church is all about.

Pastor Paul

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