December 5, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


As I write this upstairs in the church’s office, some of you are working down in the sanctuary and fellowship hall. You are putting up the new painting and decorating the church. Yesterday some of you also came—decorating the Christmas tree and putting up the dark curtain against the wall. THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

As I write this upstairs in the church’s office, some of you are working down in the sanctuary and fellowship hall. You are putting up the new painting and decorating the church. Yesterday some of you also came—decorating the Christmas tree and putting up the dark curtain against the wall.

As I write, I thank God for you—not only you, who happen to be here right now, but also you, who don’t happen to be here but are here in spirit. You all have done so much for the church of Jesus Our Lord. People say that Christmas is a season for giving but I must say, you have made every day and every week a season for giving. Yes, you are always ready to give, anytime, any season.

For some of you this is going to be your first Christmas without your loved ones. I understand this is going to be far from easy. Perhaps last year you still received gifts from your loved ones and gave gifts to your loved ones. This year you won’t. Deep in my heart I cry with you. Christmas is not going to be the same this year.

Christmas is not going to be the same for those who lost their loved ones in the mass killing in San Bernardino. These poor souls left homes in the morning for training and Christmas celebration but they never came back. There will be lots of tears in so many homes this Christmas. This year Christmas is not going to be the same.

Christmas is not going to be the same year after year. As we age and as situation changes, it is bound to be different. But, one thing will always be the same: Christ the Savior who has come to the world, and more importantly, to our lives. On Christmas Day, God broke the barrier that set Him apart from man. He became a man.

Pastor Paul

As I write, I thank God for you—not only you, who happen to be here right now, but also you, who don’t happen to be here but are here in spirit. You all have done so much for the church of Jesus Our Lord. People say that Christmas is a season for giving but I must say, you have made every day and every week a season for giving. Yes, you are always ready to give, anytime, any season.

For some of you this is going to be your first Christmas without your loved ones. I understand this is going to be far from easy. Perhaps last year you still received gifts from your loved ones and gave gifts to your loved ones. This year you won’t. Deep in my heart I cry with you. Christmas is not going to be the same this year.

Christmas is not going to be the same for those who lost their loved ones in the mass killing in San Bernardino. These poor souls left homes in the morning for training and Christmas celebration but they never came back. There will be lots of tears in so many homes this Christmas. This year Christmas is not going to be the same.

Christmas is not going to be the same year after year. As we age and as situation changes, it is bound to be different. But, one thing will always be the same: Christ the Savior who has come to the world, and more importantly, to our lives. On Christmas Day, God broke the barrier that set Him apart from man. He became a man.

Pastor Paul

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