November 10, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


You may not think that I noticed, but I did—and I appreciated it. So many of you do so many little things that make our church a home. Every month you prepare the Lord’s Table to make sure that we all can come to the Lord’s Supper. Every Monday you clean the church, when no one is looking. Every Sunday you go through each pew making sure all the papers are removed.

Every week you prepare and play the music; and every Sunday you teach our little ones with love and prayers. Every week you come bringing food and preparing food for us to eat, with smiles and joy on your faces. And, every week you make sure the flowers are in place. All you do have made this church a home—a nice home.

In his book, All The Teachings of Jesus, Herbert Lockyer, writes, “We strive to appear loyal in the more conspicuous realms of life, forgetting that it is only by being faithful in the small unnoticed things and duties that we gather strength to be faithful in the greater responsibilities.” You have been faithful in the little things that escape human’s notice but not God’s; He notices, and He cares.

The trees that stand the tallest around us are the palm trees—long, lean, and tall. Despite their shape, they stand firmly even in the fiercest storm; they are resilient and strong. There are at least two reasons why they don’t easily tumble like other big and tall trees. First is their roots—small and tiny like hairs but so many, clutching the ground. Second is their flexible trunks; they can sway just like Hawaiian dancers. Strong wind comes and goes, but palm trees remain. Lockyer sums it well, “A little thing is a little thing, but faithful in a little thing is a great thing.” Because your faithfulness in these little things, great things are happening. Thank you.

Pastor Paul

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