May 7, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


China is not only a country with the fastest growing economy; it is also a country with the fastest growing Christianity.

It is estimated there are more than 50 million Christians in China. Yes, there are still restrictions in some areas but overall most Chinese enjoy the religious freedom, something that was unheard of decades ago.

There are of course a number of factors that have contributed to the growth of Christianity in China. But, there is one that became the key that opened the religious freedom in China. It was the meeting between President Jimmy Carter and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in January 1979—a meeting that took place in Washington after President Carter normalized diplomatic relations with China.

At the end of the official state banquet, Vice Premier Deng suddenly said this, “President Carter, you have been very helpful to the Chinese people, and I wonder if there is anything special that we may do for you.” To that question, President Carter then made his request that China would once again permit missionaries, Bibles, and worship to come to China. The next day Vice Premier Deng granted two out of the three requests—Bibles and worship!

That’s what happened behind the scene. If President Carter didn’t share this little secret in one of his books, we would not have known this inside information. Yes, there are many things that happen behind the scene. God works behind the scene; so do mothers.
There are so much that go into rearing and building a child; and most are done by mothers—behind the scene.

I believe in heaven God will take mothers’ hands from behind the scene to the front stage. He will show them what they have done.


China is not only a country with the fastest growing economy; it is also a country with the fastest growing Christianity.

It is estimated there are more than 50 million Christians in China. Yes, there are still restrictions in some areas but overall most Chinese enjoy the religious freedom, something that was unheard of decades ago.

There are of course a number of factors that have contributed to the growth of Christianity in China. But, there is one that became the key that opened the religious freedom in China. It was the meeting between President Jimmy Carter and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in January 1979—a meeting that took place in Washington after President Carter normalized diplomatic relations with China.

At the end of the official state banquet, Vice Premier Deng suddenly said this, “President Carter, you have been very helpful to the Chinese people, and I wonder if there is anything special that we may do for you.” To that question, President Carter then made his request that China would once again permit missionaries, Bibles, and worship to come to China. The next day Vice Premier Deng granted two out of the three requests—Bibles and worship!

That’s what happened behind the scene. If President Carter didn’t share this little secret in one of his books, we would not have known this inside information. Yes, there are many things that happen behind the scene. God works behind the scene; so do mothers.
There are so much that go into rearing and building a child; and most are done by mothers—behind the scene.

I believe in heaven God will take mothers’ hands from behind the scene to the front stage. He will show them what they have done.

Pastor Paul[:]

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