May 7, 2023

The Shepherd's Corner

Every time I carry Joshua, our eight-month-old grandson, he always turns his head toward me and studies my face. He does not do that to Santy because he is familiar with her; every week Santy comes and babysits him.  So, what do I do whenever he turns his head to me and studies my face?  I give my friendliest and most loving face!

I do not turn my face and hide it from him so he cannot tell who I am.  No, I direct my face toward him to show my love to him.  And this reminds me of the benediction that the Lord taught Aaron to bless Israel with, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6-24-26). 

Like a little child, at times we, too, are scared and run to God for help.  But help does not always come right away or at the time we need it the most.  God has His time and way to help us.  But this is what He will always give us—His face!  He will make His face shine on us, so we know that He is near and that He is watching us.  And He will turn His face toward us—His face of love and peace—so we know without a doubt and with absolute peace, that everything will be all right.  It is enough to see His face—to know that He is here.

When we were children, we always asked for a solution.  But as we grow older and become more mature, we learn that solutions are not always available.  In fact, problems are often here to stay. So, we no longer pray for solution; instead, we pray for strength and the presence of the Lord.  Just to know that He is near, is enough.  And that is the time when God shows His face to us.  Through little or big things that happen unexpectedly, He assures that He is here.

Eugene Peterson advises us that we must “trust in His word, trust what we do not see.”  I like that second part.  We do not yet see a solution, but we trust, because God has shown us His loving face.

Pastor Paul

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