May 30, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner

For the past few weeks, we have been praying for Andri, the eldest daughter of our sister, Ling Ling.  Andri suffered a congenital brain condition that caused her arteries to rupture, causing a massive hemorrhage, rendering her not only paralyzed but also unable to respond to stimuli.  But she is slowly making progress.  First, she opened her eyes.  Even though she cannot follow direction with her eyes, she can at least look at whoever is before her.  Praise God!

A few days ago, she did something unthinkable—she uttered the most intimate word on earth, “mama.”  Ling Ling was so elated beyond words that she shared the video with us.  Yes, it was such a moving moment to hear her utter the word, “mama,” not once but repeatedly.  We were so encouraged and gave praise to the Lord.

But a couple of days ago, when Andri’s four-year-old daughter came to visit her mama for the first time, Andri could not respond at all.  Despite her daughter’s many attempts to engage her mom, Andri remained silent.  Seeing the video, our hearts broke beyond words.

Our hearts are broken but our spirits are not.  We still hope for recovery because we believe in miracles.  We believe in miracles because we believe in God who performs miracles.  We believe that He hears our prayers for miracles.  We know that God has His will for each of us and we can rest in His good and perfect will.  That is the reason when we pray, we are also resting.  Praying is resting.

Sometimes life brings upon us burdens that are too heavy to bear and we need to rest.  We rest in prayer.  In Matthew 11:28 Jesus Our Lord says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” We pray not only because God answers prayers, but also because through prayer, He gives us perfect rest.

Pastor Paul

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