May 22, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


Last Saturday morning our sister Achin was admitted to the hospital for a light stroke. Tuesday morning she suffered another stroke while she was still in the hospital. But, by the grace of God she is recovering with virtually no signs of stroke. Also by the grace of God she now knows what she has to do to prevent this from happening again. God is good.

We also would like to thank God that our sister Devi has been discharged from the hospital and is now undergoing recovery treatment in a nursing home in Covina. The progress has been slow but sure. Our brother Tensas spends every night by her bedside and every time we talk, he gives thanks to God. God is wonderful.

We, as the body of Christ, would like to give thanks to God for carrying us through a difficult time. It is not over yet but we have begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We want to look beyond what has happened because we know God is not finished. He is still weaving His plans in the lives of our sisters; and, He is also weaving His plans in our lives. He is not finished.

Sometimes we forget this simple fact—that God is not finished. He is not finished doing His work of His salvation. He is not finished molding us to look more like His Son Jesus. And, He is not finished revealing Himself to us—primarily through difficult times.

In his book, Enjoying Intimacy with God, Oswald Sanders shares the profound insight of Dr. J. Elder Cumming, “in almost every case the beginning of new blessing is a new revelation of the character of God—more beautiful, more wonderful, more precious.” I believe our sisters Devi and Achin have just experienced this new blessing.


Last Saturday morning our sister Achin was admitted to the hospital for a light stroke. Tuesday morning she suffered another stroke while she was still in the hospital. But, by the grace of God she is recovering with virtually no signs of stroke. Also by the grace of God she now knows what she has to do to prevent this from happening again. God is good.

We also would like to thank God that our sister Devi has been discharged from the hospital and is now undergoing recovery treatment in a nursing home in Covina. The progress has been slow but sure. Our brother Tensas spends every night by her bedside and every time we talk, he gives thanks to God. God is wonderful.

We, as the body of Christ, would like to give thanks to God for carrying us through a difficult time. It is not over yet but we have begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We want to look beyond what has happened because we know God is not finished. He is still weaving His plans in the lives of our sisters; and, He is also weaving His plans in our lives. He is not finished.

Sometimes we forget this simple fact—that God is not finished. He is not finished doing His work of His salvation. He is not finished molding us to look more like His Son Jesus. And, He is not finished revealing Himself to us—primarily through difficult times.

In his book, Enjoying Intimacy with God, Oswald Sanders shares the profound insight of Dr. J. Elder Cumming, “in almost every case the beginning of new blessing is a new revelation of the character of God—more beautiful, more wonderful, more precious.” I believe our sisters Devi and Achin have just experienced this new blessing.

Pastor Paul[:]

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