May 17, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner


Most of us knew Dede by name only; I did not know her till about three months ago. But the brief time we knew her was filled with good memories of one who persevered and anchored her faith in Jesus Our Lord. Personally, I would like to thank our visitation team who prayed and cared for her and encouraged her till the day Our Heavenly Father called her home last Sunday. At 11:05, right after we finished recording our Sunday worship, Dede walked into the everlasting and glorious Kingdom of God. She finished well.

But Dede did not start well. For over 50 years of her life she did not know Christ’s Saving Grace; she only began attending church just recently. Perhaps we are wondering what caused her to change. I never asked her, but I think I have a good guess. You see, it is a friend at work who invited her to go to church. This friend, and another friend that she had known since she was in Indonesia, along with her caretaker were the ones who cared for her beyond the call of duty. They spent countless hours attending to her needs.

These three, who spent the most time with her in the last few years of her life, are all Christians. Unbeknownst to her, God brought into her life His children to show her not only that they loved her, but more importantly that He loved her. Unbeknownst to her God had always set His eyes on her long before she cared to know Him, let alone to receive His offer of salvation. In His time, He revealed Himself and His love to her through these three children of His.

Days before her passing, she told me she was ready; she, in fact, prayed that Jesus Our Lord would come and take her home. Last Sunday, at 11:05 am, right after we finished recording our Sunday worship, Dede walked into the glorious Kingdom of God. All is well.

Pastor Paul

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