March 10, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


Live faithfully
It was a death sentence. The king had a dream and he wanted his wise men to interpret it without telling them what the dream was. If they didn’t, they would all be killed. His wise men said what everyone was thinking – there isn’t anyone who could do that!
So once Daniel found out that they were going to be put to death also and asked for 1 night to see what God would tell him. He and his friends sought God and, in the night, God showed him the dream in a vision. As Daniel came before the king, he said, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”
Daniel’s faithfulness helped him already be ready to hear from God.
Daniel went on to interpret the dream and was raised to prominence because of it, but we might often forget what else happened because of Daniel’s faithfulness – people were saved!
Daniel, who was a slave and taken as a captive, saved his captors because of his faithfulness.
Our faithfulness will result in saving those around us, but we also need to be willing to take a stand to seek God’s face with such intensity as if our lives, and the lives of those around us, depend on it.
Do you realize that you have been places in certain jobs, families, communities, and neighborhoods to be the one who can bring the Words of God to them and save them? – And it all begins with living faithfully.
If we chose to live faithfully there is no telling what God will begin to do through our lives.

Pastor Steve

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