June 11, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


Our first job is not likely to be our last job.From that first job to our most current one there is usually a string of employments. Often it takes a long time to find one that’s really suitable to our needs and potentials. And, that includes ministry. Pastor Chuck Swindoll was once in that situation. In that church, somewhere in New England he knew right away that he did not fit in. He struggled to stay.But, through that experience God taught him a lesson. Instead of looking at it as a mistake, he saw it as the place where God wanted him to be, at least at that time. You see, before he came to that understanding, he always focused his prayers on strength to carry on the work of the Lord. But, soon he learned that it didn’t help. His prayers did not make it any easier. However, the moment he changed his perspective—that it was where God wanted him to be—he found strength. He realized and trusted that God was in control and what God asked of him was just to be faithful.

We may not be where we wish to be—perhaps it’s our job, perhaps it’s our marriage, perhaps it’s our health, or perhaps it’s our other relationships. Consequently, we get frustrated and restless. We keep praying for a change of situation and for strength to endure. But, perhaps we should view it differently. Perhaps we should see it—where we are now—as the place where God wants us to be.

Perhaps we think, it’s impossible. How can God wish me to be in this situation? Before we jump into conclusion that a good God will never place us in a not-so-good situation, think about Calvary. It was where God wanted Jesus, God’s Only Son, to be. At that exact moment, there was no better place for Jesus to be. We, too, have our own Calvary—the Hill of Skull—where God wants us to be.


Our first job is not likely to be our last job.From that first job to our most current one there is usually a string of employments. Often it takes a long time to find one that’s really suitable to our needs and potentials. And, that includes ministry. Pastor Chuck Swindoll was once in that situation. In that church, somewhere in New England he knew right away that he did not fit in. He struggled to stay.

But, through that experience God taught him a lesson. Instead of looking at it as a mistake, he saw it as the place where God wanted him to be, at least at that time. You see, before he came to that understanding, he always focused his prayers on strength to carry on the work of the Lord. But, soon he learned that it didn’t help. His prayers did not make it any easier. However, the moment he changed his perspective—that it was where God wanted him to be—he found strength. He realized and trusted that God was in control and what God asked of him was just to be faithful.

We may not be where we wish to be—perhaps it’s our job, perhaps it’s our marriage, perhaps it’s our health, or perhaps it’s our other relationships. Consequently, we get frustrated and restless. We keep praying for a change of situation and for strength to endure. But, perhaps we should view it differently. Perhaps we should see it—where we are now—as the place where God wants us to be.

Perhaps we think, it’s impossible. How can God wish me to be in this situation? Before we jump into conclusion that a good God will never place us in a not-so-good situation, think about Calvary. It was where God wanted Jesus, God’s Only Son, to be. At that exact moment, there was no better place for Jesus to be. We, too, have our own Calvary—the Hill of Skull—where God wants us to be.

Pastor Paul[:]

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