January 9, 2022

The Shepherd's Corner

First of all, sorry for the mess. Last Sunday we got the confirmation that the workers were able to start the work on Monday.  That’s the reason we could not notify you ahead of time.  So, please bear with us for another week; God’s willing the work will have completed by the end of the week.  We’re remodeling the baptism pool so we can close it off and use the space on top of it for worship. We’ve also cut the stage by a nearly a couple of feet to give more space in between pews.  Due to Covid we are in need of space more than ever before.

We need space but we need share space, too. Recent study shows that in the years to come dementia will increase significantly. But there are simple steps we can take to reduce the risk of having one, such as social interaction.  It has been shown social isolation does the mind bad; it increases the incidence of dementia.  Conversely, the more active we are socially, the less likely we will experience dementia. So, keep calling each other and if possible, keep meeting.

On a different note, a couple of days before my surgery, I got a call from the hospital.  My doctor was exposed to someone’s infected with Covid, so he decided to postpone the surgery to Jan 28.  The day after I got a call again; my doctor moved the date to Jan 18. Well, I am fine with any date; it doesn’t matter.  You see, surgery date can change but God’s plan for me does not change.

In his book, How Now Shall We Live? Charles Colson reminds us that genuine Christianity is not only a relationship with Jesus but also “a way of seeing and comprehending all reality.” In the words of C.S. Lewis, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  

Pastor Paul

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