February 1, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


No simple way to say it - this is a hard one. Sometimes it's easy to forgive people, but sometimes it feels almost impossible. forgiveness

No simple way to say it - this is a hard one. Sometimes it's easy to forgive people, but sometimes it feels almost impossible.

Ken Sande says about forgiveness: “It is impossible to truly forgive others in your own strength, especially when they have hurt you deeply or betrayed your trust. You can try not to think about what they did or stuff your feelings deep inside and put on a false smile when you see them. But unless your heart is cleansed and changed by God, the memories and the feelings will still be lurking in the background, poisoning your thoughts and words, and preventing the rebuilding of trust and relationship. There is only one way to overcome these barriers, and that is to admit that you cannot forgive in your own strength and that you desperately need God to come in and change your heart.”

Genuine forgiveness is a key component of having a heart like Christ and fostering an environment where people feel free to share their lives, their hurts, and their deepest struggles. Holding grudges (no matter how small) will hold us back from experiencing everything Christ has to offer us. When we don't forgive, we not only hold those who hurt us prisoner, but we also hold ourselves prisoner.

Paul says, "bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." (Colossians 3:13). Let's look into our hearts and see if we need to forgive others, or ourselves and not let a second pass before we do so.

Pastor Steve

Ken Sande says about forgiveness: “It is impossible to truly forgive others in your own strength, especially when they have hurt you deeply or betrayed your trust. You can try not to think about what they did or stuff your feelings deep inside and put on a false smile when you see them. But unless your heart is cleansed and changed by God, the memories and the feelings will still be lurking in the background, poisoning your thoughts and words, and preventing the rebuilding of trust and relationship. There is only one way to overcome these barriers, and that is to admit that you cannot forgive in your own strength and that you desperately need God to come in and change your heart.”

Genuine forgiveness is a key component of having a heart like Christ and fostering an environment where people feel free to share their lives, their hurts, and their deepest struggles. Holding grudges (no matter how small) will hold us back from experiencing everything Christ has to offer us. When we don't forgive, we not only hold those who hurt us prisoner, but we also hold ourselves prisoner.

Paul says, "bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." (Colossians 3:13). Let's look into our hearts and see if we need to forgive others, or ourselves and not let a second pass before we do so.

Pastor Steve

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