February 19, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner

[:en]The greatest of these

We read in the Scripture that the greatest of things is Love. We read that Jesus and God the Father is love.Love is what motivated Jesus to do all He did and continues to do. Love is why Jesus went to the Cross. We are told above all things to put on love.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:13, 8

If all we had, if all that remained was love, would it be enough for us?

As we look around the world today do we see love? In some places I think we do, but many others we don't. But I think we'd all agree that the world needs a lot more love and the right type of love - Christ's love.

Do people know us as an expression of Christ's love? Not the people who are easy to love, but those who are difficult to love...or those who may not agree with us...or see things the same as us? Do those people know us as expressions of Christ's love?

One of the best ways that we can serve the world is by helping the world to experience and believe in the fact that there is a love that satisfies like no other - a love that can conquer all things - a love that will never fail no matter what happens. The only way that we can show that love to the world is to truly experience Christ's love in our lives deeply and daily.

Pastor Steve[:]

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