February 12, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner

[:en]The World is changing

There's a lot happening in our world. A lot of opinions, a lot of fear, a lot of anger, and a lot of division - but is there a lot of hope?A lot of faith? A lot of love? These three things are supposed to be what defines a follower or Christ; almost the most essential elements of our DNA as followers of Jesus: hope, faith, and love

When I look at everything that is going on in our nation and our world - I think the world needs a lot of these three things.

We see this triad of hope, faith and love appear twice in the New Testament. First in 1 Corinthians 13:13 and in 1 Peter 1.

We see these mentioned, taught, and exemplified all throughout the Bible and mostly in Jesus Himself so the question becomes - are faith, love, and hope at the core of my DNA? Is my voice a voice of hope? Are my actions ones of faith? Is everything I do motivated by love?

I know we can't be perfect, but isn't that what we're called to have as our goal? Our target? Our destination?

We see in Jesus someone who was perfect - whose voice was a voice of hope, who lived by faith, and was known by love. Let's look in our own hearts and see how we can serve the world to bring more hope, more faith, and more love in a very hurting world.

This month we'll look more at these 3 things and what they can mean for the world around us.

Pastor Steve[:id]The World is changing

There's a lot happening in our world. A lot of opinions, a lot of fear, a lot of anger, and a lot of division - but is there a lot of hope? A lot of faith? A lot of love? These three things are supposed to be what defines a follower or Christ; almost the most essential elements of our DNA as followers of Jesus: hope, faith, and love

When I look at everything that is going on in our nation and our world - I think the world needs a lot of these three things.

We see this triad of hope, faith and love appear twice in the New Testament. First in 1 Corinthians 13:13 and in 1 Peter 1.

We see these mentioned, taught, and exemplified all throughout the Bible and mostly in Jesus Himself so the question becomes - are faith, love, and hope at the core of my DNA? Is my voice a voice of hope? Are my actions ones of faith? Is everything I do motivated by love?

I know we can't be perfect, but isn't that what we're called to have as our goal? Our target? Our destination?

We see in Jesus someone who was perfect - whose voice was a voice of hope, who lived by faith, and was known by love. Let's look in our own hearts and see how we can serve the world to bring more hope, more faith, and more love in a very hurting world.

This month we'll look more at these 3 things and what they can mean for the world around us.

Pastor Steve[:]

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