December 6, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner


Life is a journey; so is faith.  Some of us travelled smooth and straight by faith, some travelled rough and winding.  Some arrive quickly but some arrive late.  We do not always know, so it is best to leave it up to God and trust in His judgment.  John Newton’s journey of faith was rough and winding, but he finally arrived in God’s grace.

John Newton was born to a godly mother, who not only prayed for him but also made him memorize Scriptures since his early age.  Had he been raised to adulthood by his godly mother, perhaps his journey of faith would have taken a different and smoother path.  But God had a different plan—and path—for him.  When he was 7, his mother died; and since then his journey took on a different—and uglier—path.  He lived a life of sin and became a slaves’ trader.

However, through it all God was always with him, ready to call His beloved child home in His time, in His way.  That day finally came on March 9, 1748.  A brutal storm caused him so much alarm that there out in the sea, he cried out to the Lord.  He wrote, “The Lord came from on high and delivered me out of deep waters.”  John Newton later entered ministry and became a pastor till he died.  Before he died, when his mind began to fail him, he said this to his friend, “My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a Great Savior.” Hallelujah!

From his pen we received that great hymn, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound; that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost but now am found.  Was blind but now I see.” Our memory may slowly fade but we, too, will always remember these two most important things: that we are great sinners, and that Christ is a Great Savior.”  We won’t forget that it is by His Amazing Grace we can now see.

Pastor Paul

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