August 8, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


There have been books written about simple faith. Personally I define simple faith as a childlike trust in and obedience to God and His Word. It is a “take-it-as-it-is” kind of belief in God. I notice those who have simple faith are not only stable both mentally and spiritually but they also tend to be on the positive side when faced with challenges of life. They know they can depend on God and His Word and they firmly believe that they are safe in His Loving Arms.THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

There have been books written about simple faith. Personally I define simple faith as a childlike trust in and obedience to God and His Word. It is a “take-it-as-it-is” kind of belief in God. I notice those who have simple faith are not only stable both mentally and spiritually but they also tend to be on the positive side when faced with challenges of life. They know they can depend on God and His Word and they firmly believe that they are safe in His Loving Arms.

Last Wednesday I happened to see two examples of simple faith in our midst. During our prayer meeting and Bible Study time, somebody shared about her medical problem—potentially a serious one—but she related her health challenge in such a calm manner. And, when we split into our prayer group, somebody thanked God for healing his medical problem miraculously. He had asked us to pray for him so he attributed his healing to the work of God.

Those, who don’t understand, might accuse us, who have simple faith, as denying the reality of life. I don’t think so. We see reality as it is but we choose to see it through the eyes of the Lord. And, when we see reality through the eyes of God, we will actually gain clarity. We see reality as God’s work and part of God’s plan. And, in the end we shall say, “God is at work; God is with me, and everything is going to be alright.”

Yes, everything is going to be alright. It does not mean that we will always be able to dodge the bullets of sickness or other kinds of life’s problems. Not at all! Everything is going to be alright because God is at work and God is with us. Whatever the outcome of His work is, He is with us and we are with Him. As God’s little children, we can rest peacefully on Our Heavenly Father’s Shoulders.

Pastor Paul

Last Wednesday I happened to see two examples of simple faith in our midst. During our prayer meeting and Bible Study time, somebody shared about her medical problem—potentially a serious one—but she related her health challenge in such a calm manner. And, when we split into our prayer group, somebody thanked God for healing his medical problem miraculously. He had asked us to pray for him so he attributed his healing to the work of God.

Those, who don’t understand, might accuse us, who have simple faith, as denying the reality of life. I don’t think so. We see reality as it is but we choose to see it through the eyes of the Lord. And, when we see reality through the eyes of God, we will actually gain clarity. We see reality as God’s work and part of God’s plan. And, in the end we shall say, “God is at work; God is with me, and everything is going to be alright.”

Yes, everything is going to be alright. It does not mean that we will always be able to dodge the bullets of sickness or other kinds of life’s problems. Not at all! Everything is going to be alright because God is at work and God is with us. Whatever the outcome of His work is, He is with us and we are with Him. As God’s little children, we can rest peacefully on Our Heavenly Father’s Shoulders.

Pastor Paul

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