February 7, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner


Last Friday Tante Lydia underwent a medical procedure to remove fluid from her lungs.  By the grace of God, it went well and now she does not only breathe better, she also eats better.  We can only thank God for giving her the strength that she needed and for blessing her with more good days ahead.  On a different note, Oom Peter’s health has steadily declined; he is getting weaker by the day. His condition really breaks Santy’s heart.  It is not easy to see someone that you have known all your life helplessly lie in bed.   

Despite his condition, like Tante Lydia, he, too, is always ready to sing praises to the Lord.  Even though he can no longer sing more than four songs before falling asleep, he still remembers a lot of the songs that we usually sing in our Wednesday’s Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship.  Most of the lyrics are still etched in his mind but all the tunes have remained intact.  He can still carry all the tunes.

That is how our mind works.  As we age, we begin to lose details like numbers and words; interestingly what stays is the tune.  With a little help suddenly, the tune starts flooding our mind and the song becomes alive.  Even though we may not remember all the lyrics but thanks to the tune, we can still recall what the song is all about.  No wonder our mind can store hundreds, if not, thousands of songs.

Psalm 147 is a song of thanksgiving; please read the opening of it, “Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God; how pleasant and fitting to praise Him.”  Singing praises to God is good and pleasing to Him but it is also good to us.  The more songs we know and sing, the more songs we store in our memory bank.  And when this body is no longer strong enough to stand and walk, our mind will still be strong enough to praise the Lord.  Hallelujah!

Pastor Paul

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