April 9, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


In his book, The Life God Blesses, Pastor Jim Cymbala writes, “The challenge before us is to have faith in God, and the hardest part of faith is the waiting. And the hardest part of waiting is the last half hour . . . . we need to go further by waiting until that promised moment when God will visit us with grace and power.”

Perhaps we have been waiting for God. We have kept our faith and have continued praying for a number of years. Perhaps we are getting tired because we have not seen the result yet. And, perhaps we begin to doubt whether God has heard our prayers and will grant our wishes. Perhaps, we are thinking about quitting.

If we are in that situation, the words of Pastor Jim Cymbala are for us. You see, he has a personal experience about keeping the faith and not giving up praying. For a number of years his daughter lived astray from the faith. He, his wife, and the church they pastor, prayed for her but nothing happened until that night. His daughter came home not only physically but also spiritually.

Whatever it is we are praying for, it is already before the throne of God. He has heard our prayer and has begun His work. We must continue praying not because God needs reminding but rather because God wants to see faith and faith grows through waiting.

As Pastor Cymbala says, the hardest part of waiting is the last half an hour. So, if we have been praying for years, don’t stop now. We might be in that “last half an hour.” Pastor Cymbala encourages us, that “to receive the blessing we need, we must believe and keep on believing, to wait and keep on waiting” because God “will never forget our case.” Amen.


In his book, The Life God Blesses, Pastor Jim Cymbala writes, “The challenge before us is to have faith in God, and the hardest part of faith is the waiting. And the hardest part of waiting is the last half hour . . . . we need to go further by waiting until that promised moment when God will visit us with grace and power.”

Perhaps we have been waiting for God. We have kept our faith and have continued praying for a number of years. Perhaps we are getting tired because we have not seen the result yet. And, perhaps we begin to doubt whether God has heard our prayers and will grant our wishes. Perhaps, we are thinking about quitting.

If we are in that situation, the words of Pastor Jim Cymbala are for us. You see, he has a personal experience about keeping the faith and not giving up praying. For a number of years his daughter lived astray from the faith. He, his wife, and the church they pastor, prayed for her but nothing happened until that night. His daughter came home not only physically but also spiritually.

Whatever it is we are praying for, it is already before the throne of God. He has heard our prayer and has begun His work. We must continue praying not because God needs reminding but rather because God wants to see faith and faith grows through waiting.

As Pastor Cymbala says, the hardest part of waiting is the last half an hour. So, if we have been praying for years, don’t stop now. We might be in that “last half an hour.” Pastor Cymbala encourages us, that “to receive the blessing we need, we must believe and keep on believing, to wait and keep on waiting” because God “will never forget our case.” Amen.

Pastor Paul[:]

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