October 28, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


On Wednesday Tante Daisy was involved in a car accident. Both Beppy and she are fine but as a result of the accident she fractured her neck bone. She was hospitalized for a couple of days and was discharged on Friday. For the next six weeks she has to wear a neck holder to keep her neck straight. We thank God for providence.

On Thursday our brother Robert Taroreh suffered symptoms of a heart attack. While at work he had difficulty breathing and turned blue. On Friday the doctor confirmed that there are 80% blockages in two of his left arteries. He is scheduled for a double by-pass surgery on Monday. We thank God for His providence.

God’s providence means more than just God’s providing for our needs—be it spiritual, physical, emotional, or safety needs. It also means God’s guiding us in such a way that we will always be in His good and perfect plan. It means He is keeping us in the palms of His hands. It does not mean that we are accident-free, danger-free, or sickness free. No, as long as we remain on earth we will come in contact with them. It means we’re secure because God is in control.

Today we celebrate our church’s 38th anniversary. As a legal entity we began 38 years ago but as a spiritual body we had actually begun a few years before that. The church was already standing when I set foot on this land in 1978. It was small—no more than 20 souls—but it’s already standing firm through the caring leadership of our beloved Pastor John Lim. He is no longer with us but the church that he planted and nourished is still with us. And, it will, even after we are no longer here. We, the redeemed people of God, are in His providence. We are secure in the palms of His hands, no matter what happens to us—good or bad, pleasant or painful.

Pastor Paul

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