November 30, 2014

The Shepherd's Corner

I write this at the Daughters of Mary and Joseph Retreat Center.  By the grace of God we have had a good retreat.  I truly appreciate the help of many who made this retreat possible—from organizing it, planning the logistics, doing the registration and room-assignment, to being involved in worship team.  You have worked so tirelessly.  So, on behalf of all the participants I want to thank you!I write this at the Daughters of Mary and Joseph Retreat Center.  By the grace of God we have had a good retreat.  I truly appreciate the help of many who made this retreat possible—from organizing it, planning the logistics, doing the registration and room-assignment, to being involved in worship team.  You have worked so tirelessly.  So, on behalf of all the participants I want to thank you!
At the beginning of our retreat, a representative of the retreat center spoke to us.  She welcomed us warmly and shared with us things we should know and do while we are here.  At the end of her brief message she said something that really touched my heart.  She asked before we check out to pray by our bed-side for the next occupant so God will bless that person as He has blessed us.

I thought that was really sweet and . . . true!  We don’t know who will sleep in our bed but somebody certainly will.  So, what better way to pass on the blessing than praying for them?  And, by praying for them, we are taking it upon ourselves the spiritual responsibility to pray for one another, as commanded by Our Lord Jesus Himself.

We pray for one another because God hears our prayers.  It is like God will wait for us to pray for each other before He does what He intends to do.  Yes, God can always do it without our asking Him first, but He’d rather wait till we pray for each other.  You see, God puts so much weight on prayer that at times He holds Himself from doing something just because we have not prayed for each other.

So, to our sister at the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, I would like to thank you for reminding me not only the importance of prayer but also the power of prayer God has granted in His children’s lives.

Pastor Paul
At the beginning of our retreat, a representative of the retreat center spoke to us.  She welcomed us warmly and shared with us things we should know and do while we are here.  At the end of her brief message she said something that really touched my heart.  She asked before we check out to pray by our bed-side for the next occupant so God will bless that person as He has blessed us.

I thought that was really sweet and . . . true!  We don’t know who will sleep in our bed but somebody certainly will.  So, what better way to pass on the blessing than praying for them?  And, by praying for them, we are taking it upon ourselves the spiritual responsibility to pray for one another, as commanded by Our Lord Jesus Himself.

We pray for one another because God hears our prayers.  It is like God will wait for us to pray for each other before He does what He intends to do.  Yes, God can always do it without our asking Him first, but He’d rather wait till we pray for each other.  You see, God puts so much weight on prayer that at times He holds Himself from doing something just because we have not prayed for each other.

So, to our sister at the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, I would like to thank you for reminding me not only the importance of prayer but also the power of prayer God has granted in His children’s lives.

Pastor Paul

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