December 21, 2014

The Shepherd's Corner

It is not every year that we can come and celebrate Christmas—the birth of Our Loving Savior.  This year Oom Djaja and Oom Ping Tiauw will have to miss it.  Oom Djaja had a fall a few days ago and fractured his left wrist.  He is fine now but he can’t go anywhere.  So, he will have to celebrate Christmas at home with his family.It is not every year that we can come and celebrate Christmas—the birth of Our Loving Savior.  This year Oom Djaja and Oom Ping Tiauw will have to miss it.  Oom Djaja had a fall a few days ago and fractured his left wrist.  He is fine now but he can’t go anywhere.  So, he will have to celebrate Christmas at home with his family.Oom Ping Tiauw has been in the hospital for the past few weeks, receiving treatment.  Tante Ansy and his two daughters have always been at his bed side, attending to his needs.  This year he, too, will have to miss celebrating Christmas with us, his church family.

God guides all His children; Psalm 23 clearly states that.  There are moments He guides us through green pastures and quiet waters.  These are good times—no particularly big problems and plenty of reasons to be happy.  But, there are periods where God guides us through the dark valley.  Climbing the hills gives us much to cheer about, but going downhill and walking, not only in the darkness of uncertainty but also in the shadow of danger, this gives us chill.

But, as David the Psalmist wrote, “I will fear no evil for You are with me.”  David could attest to the abiding and reassuring presence of God especially in times of trouble.  Please keep in mind, God does not promise instant solution to our problem but He promises He will be with us.  When He says that, it does not mean that He will just be with us—and do nothing.  No, when He says He will be with us it means He will help us and that He is in control.

We don’t know how He will help but He will.  At the end of the day somehow God will “prepare a table before me.”  Yes, at the end of the day we will sit back and enjoy the Lord’s blessings again.

Pastor Paul
Oom Ping Tiauw has been in the hospital for the past few weeks, receiving treatment.  Tante Ansy and his two daughters have always been at his bed side, attending to his needs.  This year he, too, will have to miss celebrating Christmas with us, his church family.

God guides all His children; Psalm 23 clearly states that.  There are moments He guides us through green pastures and quiet waters.  These are good times—no particularly big problems and plenty of reasons to be happy.  But, there are periods where God guides us through the dark valley.  Climbing the hills gives us much to cheer about, but going downhill and walking, not only in the darkness of uncertainty but also in the shadow of danger, this gives us chill.

But, as David the Psalmist wrote, “I will fear no evil for You are with me.”  David could attest to the abiding and reassuring presence of God especially in times of trouble.  Please keep in mind, God does not promise instant solution to our problem but He promises He will be with us.  When He says that, it does not mean that He will just be with us—and do nothing.  No, when He says He will be with us it means He will help us and that He is in control.

We don’t know how He will help but He will.  At the end of the day somehow God will “prepare a table before me.”  Yes, at the end of the day we will sit back and enjoy the Lord’s blessings again.

Pastor Paul

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