October 9, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


Our brother Bun Hwa is getting better—thanks to your prayers! He is now undergoing rehabilitation at Garfield Medical Center and is making good progress. He can raise his left arm and is starting to walk again. Despite his condition our dear brother never stops thanking God for healing him and for preventing the worse.

Personally I would like to thank you for praying and caring for him. So many of have come to visit him which demonstrate how much you care. Our brother Bun Hwa and his daughter Heny want you to know that they truly appreciate your taking your precious time to see them. Love is really alive and well in this Body of Jesus!

Our brother Bun Hwa’s sudden stroke serves as a reminder that life is not only predictable but it is also fragile. Like a vase it can break. No matter how careful we hold it, at any time we can accidently drop it. Our brother Bun Hwa watches what eats; he cuts down on salt and stays away from fatty food. Every morning he walks for an hour and in fact he never fails to take his high blood pressure medication. But, life—like a vase—can slip and fall to the ground.

In the Bible there is a story of a king who got sick and almost died. His name is Hezekiah. He got sick not long after a major victory against the Assyrians, who tried to invade Israel. In the midst of this glorious time, he fell ill and almost died. Please listen to what he wrote, “Like a shepherd’s tent, my house has been pulled down and taken from me” (Isaiah 38:12). But, God heard his prayer. Through Isaiah the prophet God said, “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.” To me, just to know that God hears my prayer and sees my tears, is enough. Yes, just to know that God loves me, is enough.

Pastor Paul

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