October 25, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner


Today we celebrate our beloved church’s 40th anniversary.  We give thanks to God for His love and mercy upon our church, His Spiritual Body on earth.  We thank Him for protecting and blessing His church so much that through her, many have come to know His Saving Grace.  Here I am speaking for myself.  More than 42 years ago I found a spiritual home at FIBC.  Pastor John and Tante Barbara Lim took us in, mostly college students, under their wings, and provided a haven for us to rest and to grow.  Thank you, Oom and Tante.  God saw what you did, tirelessly, expecting nothing in return.

In her latter years when traveling had become more cumbersome, Corrie ten Boom decided to return to Holland to retire.  A friend had offered her a place where she could enjoy her old age in peace and quiet.  She had increasingly grown tired of living out of her suitcase; she thought it was time.  So, she posted the mail to confirm her homecoming, then, opened her Bible while praying, “Lord, what would you have me to do?”  Romans 10:14-15 spoke directly to her,

“How then shall they call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him Whom they have not heard?  . . . . How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!” Upon reading it she knew what the Lord had asked of her.  She picked up a pen and paper and wrote to her friend, “Forget about the last letter I wrote.  I am not coming home to Holland.  I refuse to spend the rest of my life in a pasture when there are so many fields to harvest.  I hope to die in harness.”  Tante Corrie went on serving the Lord many more years.

We can—and should—retire from our positions, but we should not retire from our calling, “to bring glad tidings” of God’s grace. 

Pastor Paul

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