October 14, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


Not without direction

Since we are training and trying to use our faith for God, we have purpose and direction, don’t we? Shouldn’t we?

If you think of your normal weekly routine and relationships, what is your purpose and direction? What is your calling in those places and relationships? Do you believe that God has you in those places and people’s lives for a reason – a reason that involves you growing in your faith as well as others getting to see someone living by faith?

Remember, life is a race that we are all running in.

Paul says, “Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.” (1 Cor. 9:26)

Do you ever feel in life that we are just spinning our wheels? Working so hard at things that in the end don’t matter all that much?

Sometimes it isn’t that what I’m doing is important or unimportant, but that the way I’m doing it and the reason I see myself there isn’t God’s reason, so I end up missing the point…I end up being like a man beating the air and missing the target, because it’s like I’m running without a destination.

What’s your target? What’s your destination? What’s your purpose in the places you are at, in your race of life?

Pastor Steve

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