October 2, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


I - I am loved by GodIMPACT

I - I am loved by God
As we begin the name we find what we feel is the most important thing - that God loves us! and only in loving Him do we truly find what life is all about. We talk to the students about 2 key main verses as we remember that we're loved by God: 1) John 3:16, and 2) 2 Corinthians 5:17 - that God so loved us He gave His one and only Son and that we are completely new creations in Him - the old is totally gone and the completely new has come. This love should revolutionize our lives! Just try inserting your own name in to John 3:16 and see how personal it's supposed to be: For God so love _____ (you) that He gave His one and only Son that if _____ (you) would believe in Him _____ (you) would not perish but have eternal life.

M - to magnify His name
Secondly we talk about how our lives are supposed to act as a magnifying glass to the world to make God clearer. Our key phrase for magnify is: TO MAKE BIGGER AND BETTER. By how we live and love we should make God's love look better and should also create a picture of God that's bigger. This is all possible by how WE choose to LIVE. We talk of Daniel in Daniel 6 and how the only way they could accuse Daniel would be if it had something to do with His God because there was no fault in Daniel. Because of that others tricked the king into making a law so Daniel couldn't pray to his God and when he did, the king had to have him arrested. We know the story - Daniel gets thrown into the lion's den, but survives. His life magnified God and made people's understanding of God - BIGGER AND BETTER, and the testimony of God spread throughout the entire kingdom because of the way he lived out his faith. If people wanted to find something to accuse you of, could the only thing they find deal with how faithfully you followed God?
Please pray our students would know God's love and magnify His name!
As we begin the name we find what we feel is the most important thing - that God loves us! and only in loving Him do we truly find what life is all about. We talk to the students about 2 key main verses as we remember that we're loved by God: 1) John 3:16, and 2) 2 Corinthians 5:17 - that God so loved us He gave His one and only Son and that we are completely new creations in Him - the old is totally gone and the completely new has come. This love should revolutionize our lives! Just try inserting your own name in to John 3:16 and see how personal it's supposed to be: For God so love _____ (you) that He gave His one and only Son that if _____ (you) would believe in Him _____ (you) would not perish but have eternal life.

M - to magnify His name
Secondly we talk about how our lives are supposed to act as a magnifying glass to the world to make God clearer. Our key phrase for magnify is: TO MAKE BIGGER AND BETTER. By how we live and love we should make God's love look better and should also create a picture of God that's bigger. This is all possible by how WE choose to LIVE. We talk of Daniel in Daniel 6 and how the only way they could accuse Daniel would be if it had something to do with His God because there was no fault in Daniel. Because of that others tricked the king into making a law so Daniel couldn't pray to his God and when he did, the king had to have him arrested. We know the story - Daniel gets thrown into the lion's den, but survives. His life magnified God and made people's understanding of God - BIGGER AND BETTER, and the testimony of God spread throughout the entire kingdom because of the way he lived out his faith. If people wanted to find something to accuse you of, could the only thing they find deal with how faithfully you followed God?
Please pray our students would know God's love and magnify His name!

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