October 30, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


Stormie Omartian, a Christian author, who has written a number of “The Power of Prayer” series, writes, “Anger and depression are but two of the many negative emotions that can torment a man’s soul.” I’d say amen to that and I’d also like to add another comment that anger and depression are perhaps the two most common negative emotions that a man’s soul knows of.

Stormie knows a little about man not only from her four decades of marriage, but also from her passive and ineffective father. You see, Stormie was raised by a mentally-ill mother who literally locked her up in a closet for much of her early childhood. Her father saw what happened but did little to protect her.

Stormie also knows a little about anger and depression because as a result of her upbringing, she grew up to be an angry, anxious, and depressed young woman, who ended up abusing alcohol and drugs, and getting involved in religious occults, and unhealthy relationships with men. In fact she first tried to commit suicide in her teens.

At the brink of her self-destruction, her friend, Terry, invited her to meet with her pastor, Jack Hayford at the Church on the Way. Pastor Jack Hayford led her to Christ and she later married Michael, a singer and music producer. But, despite having a healthy church life and married life, Stormie continued to struggle with depression.

Finally a church counselor advised her to fast and pray; Stormie followed the advice and something miraculous happened, her depression disappeared. No wonder in her “The Power of Prayer” series—to wife, husband, and parents—she has only one simple message: Pray! God hears our prayer and demonstrates His power.

Pastor Paul

Stormie Omartian, a Christian author, who has written a number of “The Power of Prayer” series, writes, “Anger and depression are but two of the many negative emotions that can torment a man’s soul.” I’d say amen to that and I’d also like to add another comment that anger and depression are perhaps the two most common negative emotions that a man’s soul knows of.

Stormie knows a little about man not only from her four decades of marriage, but also from her passive and ineffective father. You see, Stormie was raised by a mentally-ill mother who literally locked her up in a closet for much of her early childhood. Her father saw what happened but did little to protect her.

Stormie also knows a little about anger and depression because as a result of her upbringing, she grew up to be an angry, anxious, and depressed young woman, who ended up abusing alcohol and drugs, and getting involved in religious occults, and unhealthy relationships with men. In fact she first tried to commit suicide in her teens.

At the brink of her self-destruction, her friend, Terry, invited her to meet with her pastor, Jack Hayford at the Church on the Way. Pastor Jack Hayford led her to Christ and she later married Michael, a singer and music producer. But, despite having a healthy church life and married life, Stormie continued to struggle with depression.

Finally a church counselor advised her to fast and pray; Stormie followed the advice and something miraculous happened, her depression disappeared. No wonder in her “The Power of Prayer” series—to wife, husband, and parents—she has only one simple message: Pray! God hears our prayer and demonstrates His power.

Pastor Paul

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