October 16, 2022

The Shepherd's Corner

The other day when Santy and I were babysitting our grandchildren, I happened to hear the conversation that took place between our eldest and youngest grandchildren.  Apparently the youngest got a hold of a toy that the eldest wanted.  Instead of taking it by force, the eldest, then, said this to the youngest, “It is not your toy, so you will have to share it.”  The youngest one, of course, answered, “No, it is mine.” There went the argument back and forth between them.

I think we are like little children, too.  Whenever others possess something that we want—and don’t have—we demand that they share it with us.  But if we happen to be the one who has what they want—and don’t have—we refuse to share it because “It is mine.”  Or, whenever others have something that we want—and don’t have—we want them to share because it belongs to God.  However, if we happen to have something that they want—and don’t have—we refuse to share it because, “God has given it to me.”  Kids!

As I shared it in our Bible Study the other day, this really happened to not only adults but also ministers of the Gospel.  Somebody gave an expensive jewelry to one of the members of a ministry team.  The rest, then, demanded that he share it with the team because it belonged to the team, but the person who received it refused.  He said, “It is mine.”  As a result, the team of five, then, split.  Kids!

Jesus Our Lord wants us to be like little children; listen to what He said to His disciples, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).  The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to us who are like little children—whose trust, obedience, and honesty are like those of little children, not whose selfishness, temper tantrum, and attention-seeking behavior are like those of little children.

Pastor Paul

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