November 15, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


Another senseless killing just happened. This time it was in Paris. The sad thing about the sin of killing is that most perpetrators do not feel guilty. Some even think that their acts are justified and are the right thing to do. And one more thing: Most perpetrators do believe that the victims deserve to die. THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

Another senseless killing just happened. This time it was in Paris. The sad thing about the sin of killing is that most perpetrators do not feel guilty. Some even think that their acts are justified and are the right thing to do. And one more thing: Most perpetrators do believe that the victims deserve to die.

The first act of sin perpetrated by man after falling into sin was murder—Cain killed his brother Abel. What prompted the killing was obviously anger but what gave birth to the anger was actually jealousy. Cain was jealous because his brother’s sacrifice was accepted by God, while his, was not. Cain failed to see the reason why his sacrifice was not accepted by God; he only saw his brother.

Jimmy Carter, Saul’s jealousy gradually erodes the remnants of virtue in his character.

The sick have to bear the physical pain but the caretakers have to bear the emotional pain. But, despite the pain, the caretakers have to remain strong. They cannot appear weak because they know their loved ones are helplessly depending on them. And one more thing: The sick might not be afraid of going, but the caretakers are usually afraid to be left alone.

To the caretakers let me say this to you, “God knows your pain.” It is deep—very deep. But, His hands are long enough to touch it.

Pastor Paul

The first act of sin perpetrated by man after falling into sin was murder—Cain killed his brother Abel. What prompted the killing was obviously anger but what gave birth to the anger was actually jealousy. Cain was jealous because his brother’s sacrifice was accepted by God, while his, was not. Cain failed to see the reason why his sacrifice was not accepted by God; he only saw his brother.

Jimmy Carter, Saul’s jealousy gradually erodes the remnants of virtue in his character.

The sick have to bear the physical pain but the caretakers have to bear the emotional pain. But, despite the pain, the caretakers have to remain strong. They cannot appear weak because they know their loved ones are helplessly depending on them. And one more thing: The sick might not be afraid of going, but the caretakers are usually afraid to be left alone.

To the caretakers let me say this to you, “God knows your pain.” It is deep—very deep. But, His hands are long enough to touch it.

Pastor Paul

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