November 12, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


Every day is a day of giving thanks. Yesterday was Tante Lydia’s birthday and we give thanks to God for keeping her healthy and vibrant into this age of 91. We also give thanks to God for the strength He gives to Oom Tek Hian and Oom Joe Lee. Despite their health’s challenges they are making strides. For that we praise God.

But, I am mindful of the fact that this year is not the same as last year. When we look around, we’ll see that there are several faces missing. Oom Kus, Oom Tek Bien, and Oom Djaja—just to mention a few—are no longer with us and cannot celebrate Thanksgiving with us. Despite their being in heaven, we still wish they’re here.

In times like these, I always go back to the words of Pastor Rick Warren. He says, we’d like to think that life is like a journey, going up and down, through the mountains and the valleys. Good times and bad times come one after another. But, that’s not so, he says. He learned that life is more like a double-track railroad. Good things and bad things happen side by side; during good times bad things happen and during bad times, good things happen.

As we are fast-approaching Thanksgiving and Christmas, our hearts might be heavier than usual as we think of and miss our loved ones more dearly. That’s fine, but perhaps we can also think, not only about the good times we shared with them, then, but also about the good things and the good times God is blessing us with, today.

Yes, of course, these days today are not the same as those days, then. Without our loved ones, life has never been the same—and it will never be. But, in the midst of it all, take notice that God has never stopped to sprinkle His goodness on our lonely lives. Never!


Every day is a day of giving thanks. Yesterday was Tante Lydia’s birthday and we give thanks to God for keeping her healthy and vibrant into this age of 91. We also give thanks to God for the strength He gives to Oom Tek Hian and Oom Joe Lee. Despite their health’s challenges they are making strides. For that we praise God.

But, I am mindful of the fact that this year is not the same as last year. When we look around, we’ll see that there are several faces missing. Oom Kus, Oom Tek Bien, and Oom Djaja—just to mention a few—are no longer with us and cannot celebrate Thanksgiving with us. Despite their being in heaven, we still wish they’re here.

In times like these, I always go back to the words of Pastor Rick Warren. He says, we’d like to think that life is like a journey, going up and down, through the mountains and the valleys. Good times and bad times come one after another. But, that’s not so, he says. He learned that life is more like a double-track railroad. Good things and bad things happen side by side; during good times bad things happen and during bad times, good things happen.

As we are fast-approaching Thanksgiving and Christmas, our hearts might be heavier than usual as we think of and miss our loved ones more dearly. That’s fine, but perhaps we can also think, not only about the good times we shared with them, then, but also about the good things and the good times God is blessing us with, today.

Yes, of course, these days today are not the same as those days, then. Without our loved ones, life has never been the same—and it will never be. But, in the midst of it all, take notice that God has never stopped to sprinkle His goodness on our lonely lives. Never!

Pastor Paul[:]

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