May 31, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner


As many of you know, Santy and I live in a mobile home, and we love every minute of it. Nestled in a senior park in Duarte, (Yes, we are considered seniors by mobile home park!), we can see the San Gabriel Mountain up closely, a view that reminds us of my favorite place on earth—Selecta in Batu, Malang. It is just awesome!

Mobile homes are mobile; they can be moved. Unlike regular homes, they do not have foundation because they are detached from the ground. Instead they perch on a bunch of iron feet. The truth is it does not matter where we live or how big our homes are, we all live in mobile homes. We move from one home to another before we finally settle down in Our Eternal Home in Heaven.

Like mobile homes, we do not—and should not—lay our foundation on this earth. Why should we? After all, one day we shall leave everything behind; we will bring none of it to Our Final Dwelling. Hence, Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 5:1, “For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.”

From time to time I think about our loved ones who have gone on before us. I imagine them meeting one another with inexpressible peace, love, and joy. I, then, think about Christ Our Savior, whom we shall see face to face and about the thousands of angels, who are ministering to and praising God. Heaven is not a solitary place; it is always full of notes. It is never quiet, but it is always peaceful.

But never forget, we can begin to experience heaven even while we are still here on earth, as C. S. Lewis says, “Heaven enters when Christ enters, even in this life.” Amen and amen!

Pastor Paul

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